Overall, travel from the Stockholm region had decreased by 80–90%, and the number of citizens of Stockholm travelling to popular holiday destinations like Gotland and the ski resorts in Åre had fallen with more than 90%. [327] According to Eurostat in 2018 Sweden had 140 979 long-term care beds in nursing and residential care facilities. ", "Tillfälligt slopad arbetsgivaravgift i nytt krispaket", "Oppositionen sluter upp bakom regeringens stödpaket", "Banker får ge alla bolånetagare undantag från amortering", "SAS behåller ett inrikesflyg – fortsätter trafikera fyra orter", "Kollektivtrafik tappar resor – ber om stöd", "55 ledamöter får rösta för hela riksdagen", "Glest i bänkarna – riksdagen krymper till 55 ledamöter", "LISTA: Halverat antal ledamöter i kommunfullmäktige i vissa kommuner", "Corona minskar fullmäktige i vissa kommuner", "Region Västerbotten kan halvera antalet ledamöter: "Ska minska vårt resande, "Hälften av ledamöterna försvinner från partierna", "Skånska vårdpolitiker ska också hålla avstånd", "Socialdemokraternas 1 maj-tåg ställs in", "Vänsterpartiet anordnar digitalt första maj", "Almedalen – ett nationalromantiskt spektakel", "Statsministern avstår Almedalen i sommar", "West Pride ställer in – men utser en "officiell flaggperiod, "Hovet: "Kungaparet på Stenhammar men inte i karantän, "H.M. Konungens hälsning till Sverige, söndagen den 5 april 2020 – Sveriges Kungahus", "Högskoleprovet ställs in – 70 000 personer drabbas", "[2020-03-23] Vårens nationella prov ställs in", "Håkan Hellströms Ullevi-konserter ställs in", "En sommar utan Håkan Hellström skapar sorg i Göteborg", "Malmö opera stänger helt – alla föreställningar inställda", "Gröna Lund, Liseberg och Furuvik bokar om konserter", "Gröna Lund ställer in – Liseberg siktar på öppning", "Gävle bibliotek inför Take away-bokkasse för alla och hemleverans av böcker för riskgrupper", "SVT inför Melodifestivalen: Stanna hemma om du känner dig sjuk", "Lotta sänder från Liseberg – med eller utan publik", "Göteborgsvarvet helt inställt i år | SvD", "Vargarda Women's WorldTour one-day races cancelled", "Sportbladet avslöjar: Fotbollsgalan 2020 ställs in", "Allsvenska klubbarna planerar för katastrofläge", "Svensk handboll ställer in hela säsongen", "Ställer in all basket resten av säsongen", "Elitserien i speedway slopar kvartsfinalerna", "Klartecken för all tävlingsidrott att starta – men utan publik", "WRC announces cancellation of 2021 Rally Sweden", "Radioprofilen Kerstin Behrendtz död i corona", "SvD-fotografen Tomas Oneborg avliden i covid-19", "Uppgången beror helt och hållet på ökad testning", "Senaste nytt om coronaläget i Stockholmsregionen", "Över 500 äldreboenden har haft smittade personer", "Statistik om smittade och avlidna med covid-19 bland äldre efter boendeform", "SVT granskar: 30 procent överdödlighet på landets äldreboenden", "Statistik för bekräftat smittade och avlidna med covid-19, 70 år och äldre", "Statistik om socialtjänstinsatser till äldre", "Bilaga – Tabeller – Socialtjänstinsatser till äldre 2019", https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/hlth_rs_bdsns/default/table, https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/demo_pjanind/default/table, https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/tps00208/default/table, "Highest mortality this millennium noted in Sweden", "April var den dödligaste månaden i Sverige på över 20 år", "April was Sweden's deadliest month in over 20 years", https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/statistik-och-data/statistik/statistik-om-covid-19/statistik-relaterad-till-covid-19/#datawrapper-chart-oyhpW, http://www.statistikdatabasen.scb.se/pxweb/sv/ssd/START__BE__BE0101__BE0101G/ManadFoddDod/, https://scb.se/hitta-statistik/statistik-efter-amne/befolkning/befolkningens-sammansattning/befolkningsstatistik/pong/tabell-och-diagram/preliminar-statistik-over-doda/, https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/globalassets/statistik-uppfoljning/smittsamma-sjukdomar/veckorapporter-covid-19/2020/covid-19-veckorapport-vecka-27-final.pdf#page=21, https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/globalassets/statistik-uppfoljning/smittsamma-sjukdomar/veckorapporter-covid-19/2020/covid-19-veckorapport-vecka-42-final.pdf#page=16, https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/globalassets/statistik-uppfoljning/smittsamma-sjukdomar/veckorapporter-covid-19/2020/veckorapport-covid-19-v50-final.pdf#page=26, https://scb.se/hitta-statistik/statistik-efter-amne/befolkning/befolkningens-sammansattning/befolkningsstatistik/pong/tabell-och-diagram/kvartals--och-halvarsstatistik--kommun-lan-och-riket/kvartal-4-2019/, https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/globalassets/1-globalt/covid-19-statistik/statistik-relaterad-till-covid-19/antal-doda--per-lan-och-vecka-2015-v1-2020.xlsx, https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/globalassets/1-globalt/covid-19-statistik/statistik-relaterad-till-covid-19/antal-doda-per-100000-per-lan-och-vecka-2015-v1-2020.xlsx, "Läkarförening larmar: Flera svensksomalier bland coronadödsfall i Stockholmsområdet", "Antal fall av covid-19 i Sverige - data uppdateras dagligen kl 11.30", "Bekräftade fall i Sverige — Folkhälsomyndigheten", "Veckorapporter om covid-19 — Folkhälsomyndigheten", Emergency Information from Swedish Authorities: Official information on the novel corona Virus, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=COVID-19_pandemic_in_Sweden&oldid=997857652, Pages where template include size is exceeded, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from December 2020, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles containing potentially dated statements from December 2020, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from December 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from October 2020, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from December 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, People queuing with 1.5-meter distance outside, This page was last edited on 2 January 2021, at 15:57. The number of new patients somewhat stabilised during the first two weeks of April, with between 30 and 45 patients per day, averaging 39. Instead, they give out recommendations on how someone can or should act to meet a binding regulation within the agency's area of activity (in this case The Swedish Communicable Diseases Act). [176][177] The same month, a study was carried out by researchers at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Danderyd Hospital where staff at the hospitals were tested for antibodies. The field hospitals had a combined capacity of treating 10.000 patients and performing 1000 surgeries every 24 hours, as well as stockpiles with drugs, medical supplies and personal protective equipment to treat 150.000 war casualties. To manage a tighter schedule, the sport's governing body Swedish Motorcycle and Snowmobile Federation also decided to cancel the quarterfinals. [2][4][5] ja, Schweden hat total versagt, was Corona betrifft. [70] The situation led to the Health and Social Care Inspectorate to begin carrying out controls at the homes. [226], On 25 March 2020, Björn Eriksson, the Director of Healthcare in Stockholm, appealed to anyone in the Stockholm region who had experience in healthcare to volunteer. Gerade ist die Auswanderung als Familie beschlossen, da kommt die Epidemie. This cluster was initially linked to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan City. Reports of new cases and deaths to Folkhälsomyndigheten might be delayed by up to several days, especially around weekends, possibly introducing delays in reported number of cases for the last few days. [85][113][92] According to state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, herd immunity had not been calculated in the strategy, and if it had been the goal, "we would have done nothing and let coronavirus run rampant". Dec [258] Several airports closed temporarily. Although there is no legal framework for a governmental agency to impose sanctions on someone for going against its recommendations, it is not optional as the recommendations work as guidelines on how to act to follow a regulation (in this case an obligation to help halting the spread of an infectious disease). [83][84] The independence of Swedish agencies and the choice of 'recommendations' instead of legislation has received much coverage in international media. [137][138], These social distancing recommendations have been effective in part because Swedes tend to have a "disposition to social distancing anyway. Klicke hier wenn du in der Nähe dieser Webcam übernachten möchtest. Aus diesem Grund untersagte die Verwaltung der Region Värmland am Dienstag die Durchführung der Rallye. Alle 2 Campingplätze zeigen - Värmland . Da aber auch in Schweden die Corona-Infektionszahlen ansteigen, wird das öffentliche Leben wie in vielen anderen Ländern eingeschränkt. Jun [298][299] The professional bicycle race Postnord UCI WWT Vårgårda West Sweden, part of the UCI Women's World Tour and scheduled for August, was also cancelled. Additionally, the Swedish state had several preparedness hospitals and Swedish schools were constructed to be converted into hospital units in case of a military conflict and with a total capacity of treating 125.000 patients, supported by a network of preparedness storages containing medicine and medical equipment. Värmland - Schweden | Video | Gerade ist die Auswanderung als Familie beschlossen, da kommt die Epidemie. Somit ist es für deutsche Touristen nicht mehr möglich über Dänemark nach Schweden zu reisen. [310], Radio presenter Kerstin Behrendtz died on 28 March from COVID-19. The Swedish healthcare system was already experiencing a growing number of backordered drugs in the years leading up to the pandemic. Das ganze Land ist Risikogebiet. Further, the government would pay the employer's expenses for any sick leaves, which is normally shared between the employer and the state. Following agency advice, the government has passed legislation limiting freedom of assembly by temporarily banning gatherings of over 50 individuals, banning people from visiting nursing homes, and physically closing secondary schools and universities. [143][144] On 27 March the government announced that the ban on public gatherings would be lowered to include all gatherings of more than 50 people, to further decrease the spread of the infection, again at the request of the Public Health Agency. Die auch in Schweden stark steigenden Corona-Infektionszahlen und die deswegen verhängten Schutzmaßnahmen verhindern das jetzt. Die Corona-Zahlen dort waren rasant gestiegen (14-Tages-Inzidenz pro 100.000 Einwohner erreichte 207 Fälle – zum Vergleich: zur gleichen Zeit waren es in Stockholm 134 Fälle und in ganz Schweden 99 Fälle). Those with even minimal symptoms that could be caused by COVID-19 are recommended to stay home. Vielen Dank dafür! The Swedish government's approach has received considerable criticism. Jul Swedish authorities advised against all non-essential travel inside and out of Sweden. Sep Am vergangenen Mittwoch (28. Das Bullerbü-Klischee lebt trotz Coronakrise: Ferienidylle am Västra Silen in Dalsland. [112], Representatives of the Swedish government, as well as its agencies, have denied that pursuing herd immunity is part of the Swedish strategy. [355], Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Sweden, "Closedown, lockdown, closing borders – nothing has a historical scientific basis, in my view. The website is operated by the Civil Contingencies Agency, as the agency responsible for emergency information to the public during emergencies. Für Einwohner von Nordrhein-Westfalen gilt die Quarantänepflicht aktuell nicht mehr, jedoch besteht seit dem 20. Last 15 days [132], In April, many of the organisations running the public transport systems for the Swedish counties had reported a 50% drop in public transport usage, including Kalmar Länstrafik in Kalmar County, Skånetrafiken in Skåne County, Stockholm Public Transit in Stockholm County, and Västtrafik in Västra Götaland County. Sep [294] SVT had previously announced similar plans for their live sing-along show Allsång på Skansen, which is broadcast live from the amusement park Skansen in Stockholm. Wie wird das Wetter heute in Värmland? [253] The budget emergency package proposed by the government in mid-March to lessen the economic impact of the crisis was supported across the political spectrum, including all parties in opposition in the Riksdag. The field hospital will be able to house 600 seriously and critically sick patients. Bouquetchomp. Mehr Info. [8], The Swedish government considered its overall objective in the Swedish response to the pandemic was to limit the spread of infection in the country to not exceed the capacity of the Swedish health system. Damit sind aktuell 21 von 21 Regionen Risikogebiete. In ihrem "Bullerbü" tun sich trotzdem Fragen auf. [31] Both numbers were lower than most countries' in the EU. Ja! [260], In mid-March, the parliamentary leaders from the parties in the Riksdag agreed on using [238][239], On 13 March, media reported that there is a shortage in personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care staff, and hospitals in Stockholm have been forced to reuse disposable PPEs after sanitation. Aug Jun Das bestätigte der Hof am Donnerstagmorgen (26. "Stefan Löfvens uppmaning till svenskarna: "Stefan Löfven: 'Inget påskgodis hos grannarna, "King Carl XVI Gustaf"s address to the nation", "Svenskarna stannar hemma under påsklovet", "85 procent har bokat av påskresan med Gotlandsfärjan", "Reseavrådan förlängs – nya råd för resor inom landet", "Svenskarna får börja resa igen – men inte utomlands", "Fria resor för friska inom Sverige i sommar", "Tegnell tackar för enorma stödet – här är myndigheternas senaste besked om corona", "Dagliga pressträffar lockar miljonpublik", "Över en miljon har följt de dagliga pressträffarna", "MSB får 75 miljoner kronor för informationskampanj", "Så övervakar Sverige hur covid-19-smittan sprids", "Resultat från undersökning av förekomsten av covid-19 i region Stockholm", "Undersökning för att mäta förekomsten av covid-19 i Sverige", "Ny undersökning för att mäta förekomsten av covid-19 i Sverige", "Studie: 15 procent på Karolinska har haft viruset", "Stockholmsstudie: Var tionde hade haft viruset i påskas", "New study confirms that 10 percent of the Stockholm population has antibodies against SARS-CoV-2", "First phase of the Danderyd Hospital's COVID-19 study complete", "En av fem på Danderyd har haft covid-19", "Var femte medarbetare har haft COVID-19", "Test på sjukhuspersonal – 15 procent smittade", "Nu ska fler svenskar testas för coronavirus", "Fler labb får möjlighet att analysera coronavirus", "Tegnell: Mer testning skulle skydda äldre bättre", "Antalet coronatester ska ökas kraftigt – upp till 100.000 i veckan", "Fler ska coronatestas – vissa yrken prioriteras", "Fortfarande långt kvar till 100 000 tester", "Sweden to offer free Covid-19 testing to everyone with symptoms", "Här byggs Stockholmsmässan om till sjukhus", "Överläkare slår larm om tältet på Östra: "Riskerar människors liv, "Här ska coronapatienter få intensivvård", "Här byggs det nya fältsjukhuset i Skåne", "Fältsjukhuset i Älvsjö avvecklas – användes aldrig", "Inga nya patienter till fältsjukhuset i Göteborg", "Fältsjukhuset står tomt – men ska inte avvecklas", "Nära hälften av alla planerade operationer inställda", "Kön till operationer historiskt stor: "Ett jätteproblem, "Hundratals miljoner i förlust i tandvården", "Stor oro för kommande brist på intensivvårdsplatser", "IVA-platserna sinar i landet – stor osäkerhet om de kommer att räcka", "Sjukhusens förråd börjar sina – engångsskydd återanvänds i Stockholm", "Covid-19: Brist på skyddsutrustning och provtagningsmaterial", "Larmet inifrån vården: "Finns ingen skyddsutrustning, "Stor oro för läkemedelsbrist i regionerna", "Apoteksvd:n om läkemedelsbristen: "Beredskapslager hade varit en fördel, "Över 5.000 har anmält sig för att förstärka vården i Stockholm", "Militären ger Socialstyrelsen operativt stöd", "Finansministerns prognos: Snabb återhämtning", "Konjunkturinstitutet tvingas göra om ekonomisk prognos: "Det sämsta vi sett sedan 50-talet, "Pensionerna minskar för många nästa år – på grund av corona", "Finansministern: Botten är sannolikt nådd", "What does the coronavirus mean for the Swedish economy? Värmland grenzt im Süden an Dalsland und im Norden an Dalarna. [145][146] The ban would apply to arts and entertainment events including theatre, cinema and concerts, religious meetings, demonstrations, lectures, competitive sports, amusement parks, fairs and markets. Schweden geht einen etwas anderen Weg im Umgang mit dem Corona-Virus. According to Johan Carlson, director-general at the Public Health Agency, one reason was believed to be that the Stockholm spring break took place later than in other regions.[54]. Februar angesetzt gewesene zweite Saisonlauf in Värmland musste aufgrund der Coronavirus-Pandemie abgesagt werden.. Das gab die WRC am Dienstag bekannt. Like airlines around the world, Sweden's carriers have reduced the frequency of their flights, reduced their work force and asked the local government for financial assistance. When asked if Sweden would consider tougher restrictions, Löfven and Linde both made clear that the Swedish government would not hesitate to do so if deemed necessary and on advice from the expert agencies, but that such measures needed to be taken at the right time, and they believe it is hard to make people adhere to lockdowns for an extended period. [222] On 31 May, a total of 275,819 samples had been tested since the start of the Swedish outbreak. Der für Februar 2021 angesetzte Lauf der Rallye-Weltmeisterschaft (WRC) in Schweden ist aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie abgesagt worden. After analysing 527 samples, the researchers reported that approximately 20% of the staff had developed antibodies against the virus. Instead, he believed COVID-19 was something "we're going to have to live with for a very long time". However, professional athletes would be exempt from the recommendations, and allowed to travel nationwide if needed for competitive events. Ausländische Touristen kommen meist nur im Sommer nach Värmland. Playing next. All-cause deaths in Sweden in Oct–May, calculated from SCB, for 1900–2020:[341][342]. Die Schweden kommen auch gern im Winter hierhin – z. Alles erst mal easy in Schweden. [161] On 4 June, the government announced that the restrictions on domestic travel were to be lifted on 13 June, allowing everyone to freely travel in the country if they were without symptoms and rules on social distancing were followed. In ihrem "Bullerbü" tun sich trotzdem Fragen auf. Noch immer sind Royal-Fans ganz begeistert, wenn sich das Paar zusammen zeigt. [115], As the health experts built the strategy at the Public Health Agency without any influence from the government, it was built solely on a public health perspective, without any political considerations to the economy. As of the 26 March 2020, 5100 people with healthcare experience had registered as volunteers. [283] The organiser of the music festival Summerburst had previously announced cancelling their scheduled event at Nya Ullevi. [35][36][37] Following a controversial[38] privatisation, the responsibility was handed over to the private sector. The latter had regarded disturbances in the drug supply as one of their biggest concerns in their annual risk assessments.

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