Calendars – online and print friendly – for any year and month The Capricorn stellium (a cluster of planets in the same sign) in Jupiter (an expansive planet), Saturn (an authoritative planet), and Pluto (a transformative planet) began in the late months of fall of 2019. Leading astrologer Susan Miller predicts how the 2020 presidential election will turn out and tells TooFab why November 8, 2016 was astrologically considered a bad day to vote. There are also the usual three infamous Mercury retrograde periods to watch out for, this year between February 16 and March 9, June 18 and July 12, and October 13 and November 3. Les prévisions des 12 signes de l'astrologie chinoise pour 2021. As an astrologer, the number one question I’ve been asked in 2020 is: “Who will win the upcoming Presidential Election?” Now, I’m an astrologer, not a psychic. The novel virus was first discovered in India on January 30, 2020, and by March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic. Your annual Horoscope 2020 is curated and analyzed by expert astrologers at Astroyogi. It will see colossal growth in ideas and information (Air qualities) and less tangible, less ‘Earthy’ things. So in summary? It was not without controversy or drama either since he heavily invoked God and faith in his speech. His Gemini Sun is aligned with the fixed star Ensis, which means that he can get defensive when arguing his points. So when it comes to the election, by looking ahead to November 3 while also taking a look at the birth charts of each candidate, astrologers like me can start to glean some clues as to what the future for this country might hold. Our editors handpick the products that we feature. June 3, 2020 Acharya Raman Astrology Leave a comment Soon, the fate of the USA will be decided by voting for or against the current president Donald Trump. In part 2 I look at the progressions, Solar Arcs and transits to both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Horoscope USA. My grandmother was the person who took our house then, and she was trying it again! This denotes a day filled with intellectual and philosophical sentiments. So based on the cosmos, plus President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden's birth charts, here’s my astrological take on the candidates and the 2020 election. " L'élection présidentielle américaine de 2020, prévue pour le mardi 3 novembre 2020, sera la 59e élection présidentielle quadriennale des États-Unis. " That’s when we have the first historical evidence for the phrase, the ‘United States of America’. It reflects Trump as a tough competitor. I'm here to interpret the cosmos without a tilted perspective—and to explain the energies at play. President Trump's Sun is also currently in Gemini in his Midheaven, which is the house of his career. In Trump’s horoscope, cancer is getting the aspect of Moon. Being born under a Taurus Full Moon implies that Vice President Biden is a stubborn person who won’t change his ideology. This is for several reasons, of which the planned total 5G pollution of every spot on Earth is the most insane, actual and deadly threat for every living organism. Related Stories. In this post I have listed my notes for the USA Election 2020 astrology prediction. A whole lot can be fixed by then—especially since astrological architect (and Lord of Karma) Saturn will join Pluto in Capricorn from December 19, 2017 until March 2020. How To Slay Your Goals In 2020 According To Your Energetic Blueprint. This means that the universe is checking in with him once more to make sure he’s on the right path and propelling him to his fate. During this time, we can experience technological breakdowns and meltdowns. His Birth details are June 14th, 1946, 10:54 Am, Jamaica, Newyork. Lockdowns and quarantine, which were mere thrilling subjects for movie making, became a reality and new normal across the globe. This is the most unpredictable election that has ever taken place in America so far, due to Mercury’s direct station and Mars’ continued backwards spin, both transits that have never occurred together during an American presidential election. Trump’s progressed chart shows the node at 17 Gemini – So overall there is a very fated and fateful connection with the office of president established, formally at the inauguration of George Washington, the upcoming inauguration and Trump all around 17-20 ° Gemini. America was actually born on January 2nd, 1776. Les prévisions des 12 signes de l'astrologie chinoise pour 2021. But as a leader who has to make agreements and deals with other political players, this can be an affective tool in getting them to eventually see his way of thinking. The truth of the matter is that it’s going to take time before the candidates even know themselves, due to planetary aspects. provides free daily horoscopes, online tarot readings, psychic readings, Chinese astrology, Vedic Astrology, Mayan Astrology, Numerology, Feng Shui, … And Election Day is when it will stop moonwalking, which it has been doing since October 13. (Makes sense, right?) You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at, 8 Things to Know About Kamala Harris' Husband, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s Astrology Charts, Joe Biden's Dogs Major and Champ Have Tons of Fans, A Look at Joe and Jill Biden’s Beautiful Romance, 27 Political Books to Read Before the Election, 8 Things To Know About Kamala Harris's Sister, Why Kamala Harris's Choice of Sneakers Matters, Kamala Harris's Step-Kids Call Her "Momala", 15 of Kamala Harris's Most Inspiring Quotes. My Mother was an unwanted child, her mother hated her from the moment she found out she was pregnant and did everything possible to destroy her without going to jail. As anyone who has tackled a major renovation knows, you can’t slap drywall and a coat of paint over a shoddy foundation. Also, you may lik… Tatiana Borsch. There’s a lot that’s brewing beneath the surface here, but mostly, it’s relating to the fact that, based on his birth chart, his beliefs seem unwavering. Planet of communication, Mercury, will end its retrograde journey in the middle of the day on November 3. His Horoscope is shown as under: Mars in Asc gives a very fiery and dominating personality. Lifestyle. By now, I know you're wondering: Okay, this is all great, but who will win the election? But based on my analysis, there are two things I can say. The Moon squares off with Neptune retrograde, which will add a somewhat confusing and compassionate vibe. Check the weather. As with any birthing process, the year will involve enduring labor pains in order to introduce a new life. Trump Vs Biden Horoscope of Donald Trump He is Leo Ascendant at 18 degree. Feeling broad-minded and sociable is a great way to start 2020. She died alone in a nursing home. The Sun in Scorpio, meanwhile, denotes a powerful force who can at times be a little rough around the edges. The new era that will kick into high gear from 2020. According to his birth chart, yes. Discover what 2020 has in store for you with our 2020 horoscopes today! So a word of advice: Double check your ballot before submitting it, and make sure your ballot is mailed in ASAP, because your vote will count more than ever in deciding the winner this year. However, this article is based on astrological predictions, thus, it can be concluded that: At the time of US Presidential Election 2020, Biden would be influenced under Jupiter-Rahu Vimshottariwhich is promising a victory. Oprah Says "Civility" is at Stake in This Election, How Oprah Reacted to Joe Biden's Election. 16 novembre 2020. Who in America actually needs such a warning yours truly isn't certain but there it is. Friday July 13, 2018: Predictions are being made concerning the 2020 Election, one such that both Republicans and Democrats should be worried but for different reasons. Former Vice President Joe Biden He was born during the Full Moon in Sagittarius; according to his chart, the Full Moon would peak an hour after he was born. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 Solar Eclipse 2020 December 14 ~ 23º SagittariusConjunct South Node/Moon (H5)Opposite Sun (H11), June 14 2020 Scorpio___MarsJune 14 2021 Sagittarius___Jupiter, SA Venus = Neptune (H3)SA North Node = ASC (H1)SA Ceres = Saturn (H12)SA Ceres = Venus (H12), North Node conjunct natal North Node (H11)Pluto conjunct Vertex (H6)Venus conjunct Neptune (H3), Jupiter conjunction Saturn on Progressed Ceres (H4) (Dec 21 2020), Lunar Eclipse 2020 November 30 ~ 8 GeminiConjunct Saturn (H7), SOLAR Eclipse 2020 December 14 ~ 23 SagittariusWide square IC/Ceres (H4), Nov 20 2019 Taurus___VenusNov 20 2020 Gemini___Mercury, Prog Moon conjunct Prog Venus on Nov 3 (H4)His Prog Mercury stationing direct (Officially Direct Dec 25 2020)Prog Moon square Saturn (H7) on Dec 25 2020, SA POF = Jupiter (H8)SA Uranus/DC = Mercury (H12)SA Saturn = Sun/Venus (H12)SA Saturn = North Node (H9)SA Neptune = Ceres (H4)SA Ceres/IC = Saturn (H7) Open enemies, Sun conjunct natal Mars (H12)Mercury station direct square natal Jupiter (H8) (His Rx ruling planet)Saturn Opposite Jupiter (H8)Uranus conjunct POF (H6)Ceres conjunct IC (Exact Jan 27 2021)Neptune conjunction IC (Exact Mar 2021), Jupiter conjunction Saturn square natal Moon (H6) (Dec 21 2020). Mercury Retrograde Saturn Return Horoscope Dates Planets Astrology All Articles → Tarot . Biden has a Sagittarius ascendent, which makes his Midheaven—the house in a birth chart that denotes public affairs and career—ruled by Virgo. Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 at 10:54 a.m. in Jamaica, New York. In part one on YouTube I compare Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s Zodiacal releasing peak periods and what that will trigger in their natal charts. North Node conjunct natal North Node (H11), Prog Moon conjunct Prog Venus on Nov 3 (H4), His Prog Mercury stationing direct (Officially Direct Dec 25 2020), Prog Moon square Saturn (H7) on Dec 25 2020, Mercury station direct square natal Jupiter (H8) (His Rx ruling planet). Without reliable birth data for the majority of these people it’s impossible to single out a leading face for 2020. During the last election in 2016, Donald Trump was just beginning his Jupiter return in Libra, which is a 13 year transit in which fortunate Jupiter returns to the degree in which you were born. Joe Biden was born on November 20, 1942 at 8:30 a.m. in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The horoscope 2020 readings suggest that the lord of Scorpio, Mars sits in its own zodiac, due to which you will find success in your workplace. It’s important to note that Trump's Sun and Moon are being currently triggered by the karmic Nodes of Destiny and enlightened Neptune, during his nodal return. In this chart, setting the tone for the Office of President, Leo (drama) is rising – 19° and Chiron is at 18° Gemini; Trump’s Sun, node and Uranus are conjunct this and the inauguration in January. Neptune is a planet known to add confusion to the mix of one’s energy. Raise your hand if you were told that hard work was valuable when you were growing up—me too! The shadow side to this transit will make voters unforgiving and scrupulous in their choices and will bring an amplified intensity, making us all feel on edge throughout the day. Voici les tarots utilisés par Ginette Blais dans la série Astro 2021 . 16 novembre 2020. Astro Calendar 2020, Astrological Calendar, Online Astrology. Mobile users! The Leonids' shooting stars are visible between November 6 and 30, and peak on the night of November 17 and early morning of November 18, 2020 with up to 15 meteors per hour. In recent times, much has happened in the USA and people living there have formed a clear opinion about their votes one way or another. Like most born under Sagittarius Full Moons, he has a strong and blunt personality. I went to a counselor due to the stress who brought in an astrologer. Also, a true story for you. It will help add practicality, structure, and discipline to the way the voters may cast their ballots. This means that he’s definitely going to be in the headlines for the next year-and-a-half, regardless of whether or not he’s our President. - 2021 AstrologyAn exciting shift is upon us. Oh – its also worth doing a chart for the first inauguration of any president – the one for George Washington in which, IMO is more valid than one for the USA to determine the president and the nature of any presidency. However, based on his passionate Scorpio Sun, he finds resolve in practicality and facts, which are based on an intuitive hunch. That’s communist karma. Progressive aspects. What Democrats Are Running for President? The cosmos are shaking things up and awakening his chart, pushing him to embrace his destiny and fate in this lifetime. 15 of the Best Astrology Books for Zodiac Lovers, The Predictions For Each Zodiac Sign in the 2020s, This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. TN USA " TN USA Forum Astrologie gratuit But there is a branch of astrology—called mundane astrology—that can be used to find answers about what’s to come by studying the celestial transits that will take place on a specific day. However, in good news for Trump, planetary combination surrounding health issues usually means a speedy recovery. It turns up in a letter written by Stephen Moylan, Acting Secretary to George Washington. Never one to mince words, he definitely speaks his mind. And does he say things that he later regrets? I haven’t looked ahead to the inauguration yet. See the week-by-week feature, This Week in Astrology, for astrological information about the current week, as well as day-by-day overviews of current cosmic energy. Oprah Magazine participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Well, my Mother was in her 60’s when her mother SUED her and tried to steal her house. First: Both Biden and Trump are meant to run against each other in 2020; the cosmic connections—like their personal Nodes of Destiny—that link them together at this moment in time, showing that they are fated to be opponents in this election. I also look at how the eclipses in November and December will effect them. The Astro Twins forecast every zodiac sign's horoscope for today. For more stories like this, sign up for our newsletter. ~ Nov 22 to Dec 21, Jeffrey Epstein ~ Arrest & Suicide Transits. In this post I have listed my notes for the USA Election 2020 astrology prediction. This places transiting Neptune (which is now retrograde in Pisces) in opposition to his Midheaven. His Moon sign is conjunct the fixed star Rasalhague (Arabic for “Head of the Snake Charmer”), which adds an intense energy to his emotional nature. On Election Day, planet of action Mars, meanwhile, will be retrograde—it started moving backwards on September 9, and will continue its moonwalk until November 13 in Aries. Strap up, strap in, and grab your wine, because this election day is going to bring on lots of confusion. Does the USA Pluto return really mean the end of the USA as conceived by the founding fathers back in 1776? He was also severely attacked by the press after his first term in office. This occurs every 18 years when the Nodes of Destiny return to the place they were at the time of birth. I’ve looked at the birth chart of the actual office of the president, using the inauguration of George Washington which took place 30th April 1789 at about midday. But thanks to astrology, I can give you some insight into what to expect—and how things might feel for all of us, according to the stars. We’ll all want to help each other out on an emotional level and make sure the election runs efficiently— even though Neptune retrograde will bring anxieties our way. Fortunate transits are listed in orange and challenging transits are listed in dark blue. In other words, back in 2016, he was having advantageous astrological transit. This won’t be a day in the park! In part one on YouTube I compare Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s Zodiacal releasing peak periods and what that will trigger in their natal charts. Asya Branch, a student at the University of Mississippi and Booneville native, was crowned Miss USA on Monday, after the coronavirus pandemic delayed the event by several months We may earn commission from the links on this page. 12 novembre 2020. Mars was also retrograde in Taurus during the election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800...and there was a lot of chaos leading up to, during, and after that election. Neutral transits are black. Read More. December 2020 Spiritual Insights, Aspects and Predictions This month is truly transformational as the solar eclipse occurs at 28 degrees of Scorpio in the nakshatra Jyeshta. We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. 2020 new year resolutions predictions. The Vice President was born during the Waxing Full Moon in Taurus; the Moon was in orbit to reach its exact luminescence, which would occur two days later. We’ll start by looking at the 2020 presidential elections before going on to look at Trumpindividually, the people of the US, and the economy. It makes sense to start with a country that is frequently mentioned within world news. Self-driving cars are just around the corner. She told me my Mother and I were well to do Russians when the communists came to power and stole our house, and we came back as a soul group to redo. A spoiler alert: I can't tell you who is going to win the 2020 election. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It is so striking that so many of Trump supporters are religious in one form or another (I saw the Hindus For Trump outside the hospital when he had the “covid”) Also yes I get the fated feeling so strongly too. This time I came as a Leo (courage) and defeated her. Astrology of Our Vulnerable 2020 Election Looking ahead to the 2020 Presidential Election, Rep. Adam Schiff warns that the election is enormously vulnerable to hacking and foreign influence. These circumstances will encourage you to buy that dream bike or car you have been planning to buy and you will have good health throughout. His Moon in the sign of Sagittarius explains President Trump’s tendency to impulsively tweet. Annual astro summary of astrological events in the Year 2020 - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. by Jude Cowell. We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. You can read more about this alternative (but uncanny) American chart in my book 2020 Astrology. The Moon (which denotes the overall energy of a situation, and changes every 2.5 days) will be in Gemini conjunct to the North Node of Destiny on Election Day. In this post I have listed my notes for the USA Election 2020 astrology prediction. That 19º Gemini point is a very hot spot and I can’t help getting sucked into this whole epic drama since my Ascendant is at 18º Gemini! Find out your health, body, love, romance, career, and money horoscopes. His Taurus Moon aligns with the fixed star Mirach, which brings a pleasant demeanor to his astrological chart. However, with Moon/Mars/Uranus conjunct on 20th Jan 2021, date of the next inauguration square Sun Saturn and Jupiter – expect more controversy – extreme violence to break out? Rectified birthtime 14h,20m12s0. Voici les tarots utilisés par Ginette Blais dans la série Astro 2021 . Daily Love Chinese Career Streaming Quarantine Free Birth Chart. Don’t do it or you will be paying in your next life. United States 2020 – Calendar with American holidays. There’s good news and there’s bad news. The transiting Nodes of Destiny (the lunar nodes of the Moon that change signs every 1.5 years and are currently galvanizing the Gemini-Sagittarius axis) are activating Biden’s Midheaven. Something to consider is that Mars was retrograde in Taurus during the election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800...and there was a lot of chaos leading up to, during, and after that election. And second? Scorpio is the sign of transformation, research, and healing. The United States presidential elections began from 3rd November 2020, for which Mr Trump is contending once again. We Asked the "Outlander" Cast to Sum Up Season 5, Your Guide to Voting in Every State (and D.C.). See maps and real-time presidential election results for the 2020 US election. 2020 Will be the most crucial year for (what used to be called) “western civilization” since 1945. WRITTEN BY. Horoscopes. However, his Sag Moon also allows him to defend his views passionately and fiercely. This looks like destiny/fate and I cant see such a strong connection if any with Biden, using the node as fate. This means a profound change is in store for everyone. Neptune will be squaring his natal Nodes of Destiny, the Sun, the Moon, and the Midheaven. The 2020 horoscope is truly apocalyptic. By the way, elections in a democracy are totally based on people’s votes and people’s trust in their representative and it matters the most. While creating the horoscope of 2020 we have taken special care of the planet transits and their effects on … Election 2020 and a Farewell to Bretton Woods! Money Health Numerology Birthday 2021 Planetary More → Articles . In other words? But while the stars can usually lend us some major insight to help us answer quandaries like this, let me go ahead and say that the only thing I know for certain is that this election is sure to be well...a doozy, thanks to a particularly frenetic celestial vibe. However, no sign of victory is there. I discovered not if one is using precession, but it is due to happen some time in 2023. Yes the spiritual side is very big right now. The node will be at 19 Gemini. 2020 Planetary Overview The Astrology of Year 2020 On this page, you'll find a handy overview of cosmic events—such as eclipses, planetary retrogrades, and other planetary phenomena—in the year 2020. On 28th January 2020, The New York Times has Joe Biden polling 26%, Bernie Sanders polling 23%, Elizabeth Warren on 15% and Pete Buttigieg on 8% with Michael Bloomberg on 7%. This means that his health diagnosis was indeed devastating, but it also shook up the trajectory he thought his life was going to take. 2020 is the beginning of not only a new decade, but a new astrological era. The Horoscope 2020 by Astroyogi is going to give you answers to all these questions. This means that there’s a lot of action in his career right now. Yearly calendar showing months for the year 2020. Become a Darkstar Subscriber! Therefore, the announcement of who wins may be delayed as we all wait for the results to pour in—which aligns with what the news has been predicting, given that so many mail-in ballots will slow down the tallying process this year. ~ Please wait a minute or two for the audioplayer to download/appear. I examine at the USA chart and what is happening with Pluto opposite Mercury and if the USA really is having a Pluto return during the USA 2020 election. And having said that, it’s also important to state that as an astrologer, it’s part of my job to remain neutral at all times while making judgements on mundane cosmic energies. To me it seems more a case that the American people should be worried with little respite proffered between now and then as 'the old order' collapses into 'the new'. In order to get a full picture of what fortunes lie ahead for the United States of America, we need to divide the country’s predictions into sections. This means that he has juxtaposing energies blended into his chart, due to his Sun and Moon opposition. So far, the virus has claimed several lives across the world and is projected to take away as many as … 12 novembre 2020. One thing is for sure: According to the stars, this will be one of most unpredictable elections in history. Mercury retrograde occurs when the trickster planet slows down and Earth begins to move faster. So based on the cosmos, plus President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden's birth charts, here’s my astrological take on the candidates and the 2020 election. Saturn Conjunction Pluto 2020 ~ Protect & Survive, Jupiter Conjunct Saturn ~ Where Eagles Dare, Jupiter Conjunct Pluto ~ We Want Your Soul, Ophiuchus 13th Zodiac Sign? I saw some Interesting progressive aspects and transits in August 2020. It's important to note that on October 2, when Trump announced he had tested positive for COVID-19, it was just hours after the potent Full Harvest Moon, and a day after a planetary clash between a fraught Mars retrograde (dominance) and Saturn (authority). I also look at how the eclipses in November and December will effect them. I go into more detail about what both these chaps mean for the USA’s destiny in the future. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. As are huge breakthroughs in battery technology, … The Astro Twins forecast every sign's horoscope for today, this week, this month, and your love compatibility matches. From $5 a month you will have access to the full un-cut Moon/Matrix reports, the 36 Decan online library & and the keys to all my deepest, darkest posts.
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